Venue information

Address for Edinburgh Playhouse

18-22 Greenside Place

About Edinburgh Playhouse

Your visit to Edinburgh Playhouse

We ask that you arrive at the venue in plenty of time as latecomers may not be admitted.

Please note there is no cloakroom available at Edinburgh Playhouse. Bags larger than A4 size will not be permitted into the venue.

No children under three years of age will be admitted to the venue. Children under the age of 16 must be supervised by a responsible adult aged 18+.

The Edinburgh Playhouse has several bars across all levels with a range of beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks, plus Little Picardy Bar & Café offering a range of drinks and cocktails and a food menu with breakfast, brunch and small plates designed to share.

Please contact the Edinburgh Playhouse if you have any specific questions about your visit to this venue.

Edinburgh Playhouse Restoration

A £1.75 theatre restoration levy charge will be applied to each ticket booked for events at Edinburgh Playhouse.

Safety and Security

Your safety and security at International Festival events is of the utmost importance to us. Please note that bags may be subject to security searches.

If you spot anything suspicious during your visit to the International Festival, please do let a member of the team know.