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List of News Articles

  1. News

    1927: A theatre company with a twist

  2. News

    Cast announced for Red Dust Road and Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation

  3. Highlights

    The 2019 International Festival Reading List

  4. News

    The Greeks

  5. News

    The search for The Secret River

  6. News

    Looking forward to the 2019 launch

  7. News

    National Theatre of Scotland join the 2019 programme with work by Jackie Kay

  8. Sir Ian McKellan, pictured smiling at the camera wearing a turquoise t-shirt with a large '80' on the front and a white blazer

    Sir Ian McKellen returns to the International Festival

  9. News

    James McArdle returns to the International Festival in Peter Gynt

  10. News

    Seven times we got spooked at the International Festival

  11. Highlights

    The International Festival 2018 in videos

  12. News

    The 2018 International Festival comes to an end