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Highlights of Week Two at the Edinburgh International Festival

Rituals That Unite Us

This week, we continued sharing in the Rituals That Unite Us, gathering together to listen to world-class music, seek new experiences and feel moved by the arts. Not to mention dance. You were on your feet at Hamlet, the Alehouse Sessions, Youssou N'Dour, and for many more outstanding performances.

The European premiere of Nigamon / Tunai saw indigenous artists Émilie Monnet and Waira Nina immerse audiences in a multi-sensorial contemporary ritual.

Artists shared their pre-show rituals with us. Below you can watch the São Paulo-based collective Ilumina describe how they get themselves ready for live performance.

Find more pre-show rituals on YouTube.

Gathered on Beanbags

Last week you got cosy on beanbags and immersed in the music for the beanbag series at Usher Hall. From Mark Elder's insight into Gustav Mahler's mighty Fifth Symphony performed by The Hallé, to the European Union Youth Orchestra vibrant performance of Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, and to the beautiful sounds of Edinburgh Festival Chorus late night concert.

Listened at the atmospheric Queen's Hall

The 11am recitals series moved you to tears, to standing applause to encore upon encore. Performances include Sheku Kanneh Mason and Harry Baker performing a Johann Sebastian Bach-inspired programme and Maxim Emelyanychev & Principals of the SCO. There are a few more morning recitals you can catch, as well as the almost sold out Queen's Hall contemporary series!

What not to miss this week

Assembly Hall at Festival Theatre (Thu 22–Sat 24 Aug)

Don't miss this Scottish Premiere of a ‘beguiling and completely bonkers’ (The Times) production. Combining Arthurian cosplay and contemporary dance, this award-winning production seamlessly blends dance and theatre.

Nicola Benedetti and Festival programmer, Emma Hay delve into dance company Kidd Pivot's brand new work, Assembly Hall. Emma highlights Crystal Pite's tight, intricate choreography and why this is the perfect blend of dance and theatre.

The Warm Up: Assembly Hall

Closing Concert: Capriccio

Our final Opera in Concert of the Festival. After the resounding success of Così fan tutti, experience Capriccio in concert performed by Philharmonia Orchestra Residency with solos from Malin Byström and Bo Skovhus. This marks the end of the Philharmonia Orchestra Residency (and the 2024 Festival!), where the Philharmonia perform Fire In My Mouth (8pm Wed 21), Verdi's Requiem (8pm Sat 24), and the animal inspired Family concert (3pm Sun 25).

The Closing Concert: Capriccio is at Usher Hall on Sun 25 Aug 6pm.

© Andrew Perry

GRIT Orchestra

Techno, Celtic, Scandinavian, Islamic and breakbeat music.

Catch GRIT orchestra at the Playhouse on Sun 25 Aug at 8pm. An electric closer to the Edinburgh International Festival.

Conductor Greg Lawson explains what makes GRIT an orchestra like no other, and the extraordinary beauty and complexity of Martyn Bennett's music. Greg shares his own complex relationship with music, and the benefits of de-segregating different musical styles.

The Warm Up: GRIT Orchestra