Eager to explore the world through art? Open your mind to new perspectives at performances that provoke thoughtful conversations.

  1. a man with grey hair looks to the right

    Make It Happen

  2. Two men on stage, one is stood wearing a bright blue jacket. He is holding the back of the other man's neck as he leans backwards.

    The Dan Daw Show

  3. A blurred image of a woman in a black dress walking by a red wall

    Hanni Liang: Dreams

  4. a women stands smiling with her arms folded. she is leaning against a metal gate taller than her and is wearing a white blazer

    The Unseen Truth: Sarah Lewis

  5. A birdseye view or an audience sitting on colourful beanbags with musicians placed among them and the conductor standing in the centre

    Shostakovich Inside Out

  6. Portraits of three artists appear on top of an image of a hand writing with a black pen on a white background

    Canvas of Sound with Tazeen Qayyum