The Opening Concert: Buddha Passion
The Opening Concert: Buddha Passion
Tan Dun conducts the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Edinburgh Festival Chorus in the Scottish premiere of his own Buddha Passion.
One of the most versatile musicians in the world, Tan Dun combines a conducting career with his role as a UNESCO Global Goodwill Ambassador. His many accolades include an Academy Award for the score to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Buddha Passion is set at the foot of the Himalayas and inspired by Chinese and Sanskrit texts. The story follows a little prince as he finds enlightenment and becomes Buddha, meeting an array of characters before reaching Nirvana. Tan Dun’s captivating music blends Eastern and Western styles.
The score fuses the ancient wisdom of Buddhism with the musical tradition of JS Bach’s Passions. Featuring hypnotic orchestral textures and Eastern vocal techniques, this is a unique, life-affirming experience.
This is a big piece in every way, but at its heart lies a simplicity that speaks profoundly
Tan Dun Buddha Passion
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Tan Dun Conductor
Louise Kwong Soprano
Samantha Chong Mezzo Soprano
Chen Chen Tenor
Elliot Madore Baritone
Batubagen Male Indigenous Singer
Tan Weiwei Female Indigenous Singer
Chen Yining Pipa and Dancer
RSNO Youth Chorus
Patrick Barrett Chorus Director
Edinburgh Festival Chorus
Aidan Oliver Chorus Director
Sopranos 1
Jan Brownhill, Simona Cenci, Annette Chapman, Lisa Dawson, Maggie Gilchrist, Lorna Holl, Jill Kerr, Morag Michael, Jennifer Swan, Karen Traill, Lesley Walker
Sopranos 2
Emma Aitken, Anne Backhouse, Susan Bowden, Deborah Buckingham, Esther Chuang, Margaret Cumming, Rosamund Davidson, Dorothy Fairweather, Aileen Fraser, Carol Haley, Leila Inglis, Lesley Johnston, Maggie Kinnes, Natsuko MacArthur, Kathy Miller, Janette Myles, April Parkins
Altos 1
Barbara Brodie, Jessica Brown, Yvonne Connell, Susan Crosby, Catherine Dunlop, Caroline Dunmur, Kirstie Fairnie, Emma Gosling, Rona Gray, Carol Leddy, Kirsten Leggatt, Jane MacLeod, Frances McGlashan, Linda McLauchlan, Fiona Milligan, Nicola Stock, Mary Taylor, Ruth Townsend, Kirsty Weaver
Altos 2
Moira Allingham, Dinah Bourne, Wendy Colquhoun, Ann Firth, Mary Gordon, Tori Graham, Anne Grindley, Linda Hunter, Jan Livesley, Carol Madden, Frances McDevitt, Catriona McDonald, Marita McMillan, Janette Morrison, Lucy O'Leary, Judith Robertson, Penny Stone
Tenors 1
David Arulanantham, Joanna Bleau, Brendan Glen, Richard Hellewell, David Leaver, Alex Rankine, Mike Towers
Tenors 2
Andrew Binnian, John Burnside, Graham Drew, Martin McKean, James White
Basses 1
Felix Boecking, Peter Cannell, Malcolm Crosby, Martin Gray, John Halliday, Nick Harding, David Hewitson, Andrew Hyder, Ivor Klayman, Andrew Lyons, David Mack-Smith, Tom Marshall, Andrew Moore, Graham Naysmith, Roger Robertson, Graham Scott
Basses 2
Ken Allen, Peter Hillier, Stephen Lipton, Sandy Matheson, John McLeod, Martin Scott, Mike Smith, David Traill