The Lost Lending Library

In this immersive production for children from Punchdrunk Enrichment, the guardians of the Lost Lending Library are in urgent need of stories to fill a mysterious new department...

Calling all young people with great imaginations! At 314 floors high and with 78 spiral side departments, The Lost Lending Library houses the largest collection of books and stories in the world. Books of all sizes and colours are crammed together on its shelves, stories bursting into life from their covers.

The Lost Lending Library leaps from place to place for a very special reason. It only goes where it knows it can find the most precious stories — those written by young people with great imaginations.

The guardians of The Lost Lending Library need your assistance. A new department has appeared and its shelves are empty. Can you help to fill them with stories?

A feast for young imaginations, this immersive experience is for young people aged 6–11 years and their parents or carers. Punchdrunk Enrichment creates immersive, theatrical experiences that celebrate the power of the imagination. Since 2008 it has opened doors to magical worlds for young people in education, family and community settings.

4 Stars

Gorgeously realised, packed with fun details and magical ideas.

The Stage


Punchdrunk Enrichment

Mia Jerome Writer and Director
Peter Higgin
Co-Direction, Creator and Original Writer/Director
Kate Rigby
Original Designer
Casey-Jay Andrews
Associate Designer
Joanne Skapinker
Alice Kitty Devlin
Creative Development
Stephen Dobbie Sound Design
Natalie CrispSenior Producer
Stephen Patry-Makin Interim Senior Producer
Rosalind Sydney Resident Director

Cast: Simon Maeder, Hayley Muirhead, Delvene Pitt

Fiona Fraser Production Manager
Ana Carter Company Stage Manager
Lydia Reed Design Manager
Maike Hitzeroth Design Assistant
Abby Screen Scenic Artist
May Clyne Costume Supervisor
Mickey Graham Stage Manager
Andy Gannon Technical Manager
Viktor Palfi Sound Engineer
Max Sharp Lighting

Carpenters: Tom Baum, James Hartwell
Trainee Design Assistants: Josey Delaney, Grace Nolgrove, Tabitha Wall

Tom Brace Magic Consultant
TransamTrucking Transport

Press Communications: Martin Shippen, Anna Pedroza

Stephen Dobbie Photography
Piers Foley Videography

Workshop Facilitators: Caroline Deyga, Grace Gilbert, Afton Moran

For Punchdrunk Enrichment

Polly Barker Head of Development
Beki Bateson Interim Executive Director
Michelle Carwardine-Palmer Interim Executive Director
Tom Chamberlain Company Coordinator
Francesca Cross Project Manager
Rebecca Dawson Executive Director and Joint CEO
Amy Davies Dolamore  Head of Finance and Operations
Holiday Donaldson Project Manager
Bethany Haynes Senior Producer
Ursula Kerswell Interim Building Manager
Daisy Marsh Development Coordinator
Jen McLachlan Brent Project Director
Joe Monk Production Manager
Sharminy Ragunathan Finance Manager
Lowri Spear Communications Coordinator
JoJo Tyhurst Head of Communications

Special thanks: Sandi Flat, Imaginate, Glynis Henderson, Jenna Jardine, Troubadour Theatre, Nick Slater and the Maria Björnson Memorial Fund

Click here to read more about the creative team