Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation

A new play presented through combined stage action and illustrated text.

The writer leads his followers towards the end of this world and the start of a new one. The book he’s written predicts it all — the equations, the black hole, all the words we’ll speak till then.

Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation is a new play by Tim Crouch, presented through combined stage action and illustrated text. It tells the story of a man who manipulates a group of people to sit in a place together and believe in something that isn’t true. Audience and actors turn the book’s pages together, study the images, and sometimes share the words.

Actor, director, writer and experimental theatre maker Tim Crouch pushes at the boundaries of metatheatre, constructing dazzling, complex, profoundly moving plays that strip the theatrical event down to its purest form — an encounter between actor and audience. Among his internationally acclaimed works are My Arm, An Oak Tree, ENGLAND, Adler and Gibb and The Author.

Download the programme here

Download a visual guide for Total Immediate Collective Imminent Terrestrial Salvation here


Tim Crouch Writer
Karl James & Andy Smith Directors
Rachana Jadhav Illustrator & Designer
Karen Bryce Lighting Designer
Pippa Murphy Sound Designer
Adura Onashile Associate Director

Cast includes Shyvonne Ahmmad, Tim Crouch, Susan Vidler

A National Theatre of Scotland production in association with the Royal Court Theatre, Teatro do Bairro Alto, Lisbon and Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts (ACCA)

More information about some of the artists:

National Theatre of Scotland
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Youtube

Tim Crouch
Twitter | Instagram