Call and Response: SUMMIT
Call and Response: SUMMIT
A series of performances to explore the ideas in You Are Here and encourage audiences to join the conversation.
“We need to use our imagination. We need to imagine that change might be possible. That change is possible, however hard or impossible it might seem.”
In a blend of languages, including fully integrated BSL, three performers tell a story from three perspectives. It is the story of an international meeting. A meeting called to respond to a crisis. A meeting at which something happened, and in that moment everything changed.
Exploring equality and inviting action, SUMMIT is the new play by renowned theatre-maker Andy Smith, writer-performer of The Preston Bill, Commonwealth, and (alongside Tim Crouch), what happens to the hope at the end of the evening.
Come along to an intimate performance in an informal setting offering a chance to delve deeper and join in a conversation about the ideas explored in the You Are Here programme.
This event consists of a 45-minute performance followed by a 45-minute discussion with a short comfort break in between.