Call and Response: So Many Reasons

A series of performances to explore the ideas in You Are Here and encourage audiences to join the conversation.

My Mum said to me “if you ever have children, don't have girls. They give you too much of a headache.”

So Many Reasons is a story about the unique influence our mothers have on how we understand the world, from the perspective of a first generation British Ghanaian woman. Exploring cultural and generational shifts in how women see themselves and each other, this sassy and soulful new show asks what happens when we realise mums don't always know best.

Racheal Ofori’s previous show Portrait was a critical success, touring extensively, appearing at the Southbank Centre (Women of the World Festival, 2015) and broadcast on BBC.

Come along to an intimate performance in an informal setting offering a chance to delve deeper and join in a conversation about the ideas explored in the You Are Here programme.


Racheal Ofori Writer and Performer
Zoe Lafferty Director
Tanya Stephenson Production Manager & Lighting Designer
Benjamin Grant Sound Designer
Lanre Malaolu Movement Director
Sarah Beaton Associate Designer

More information about some of the artists:

Racheal Ofori
Website | Twitter| Facebook

Zoe Lafferty
Website | Twitter

Website | Twitter | Facebook