Call and Response: Lament for Sheku Bayoh
Call and Response: Lament for Sheku Bayoh
A series of performances to explore the ideas in You Are Here and encourage audiences to join the conversation.
“He wasn’t himself the way he was acting, but then no duty of care was given to him…because he was a Black man. That’s how we feel.”
Soon after 7am, on a Sunday morning - May 3rd, 2015, Sheku Bayoh, a 31 year-old gas engineer, husband and father of two died in Police custody on the streets of his home town – Kirkcaldy, Fife.
This is personal response to a tragic event which throws up questions of identity, community, and belonging in Scotland today, Lament for Sheku Bayoh is an instruction and a reflection on a life lost and the society – our society - who lost it and looked the other way.
Come along to an intimate performance in an informal setting offering a chance to delve deeper and join in a conversation about the ideas explored in the You Are Here programme.