Call and Response: Osoyegbon
Call and Response: Osoyegbon
A series of performances to explore the ideas in You Are Here and encourage audiences to join the conversation.
Osoyegbon follows one woman’s journey to the UK from Nigeria through the promise of a better life; why she left, what happened when she arrived, and where she is now.
Osoyegbon gives a moving first-hand account of courage, resilience, and survival. It is the story of the power and perseverance of one woman’s humanity in the face of unimaginable hardship. An act of testimony and defiance, Osoyegbon is a reminder of the fragility of freedom and the responsibility we all share to protect it.
“I want to tell my story so others know that they can also make it, to tell women who have been trafficked that they are not alone… there are plenty of people who care.”
A work in progress by Anonymous/Fuel
Come along to an intimate performance in an informal setting offering a chance to delve deeper and join in a conversation about the ideas explored in the You Are Here programme.