The World in One City

A Scottish Documentary Institute film production for the Edinburgh International Festival weaving together rare archive footage with interviews with Festival directors, artists and audience members.

A Scottish Documentary Institute production for the Edinburgh International Festival directed by Anne Milne and produced by Noe Mendelle.

In 1947 the Edinburgh International Festival brought together artists and audiences to look to the future, mend bridges, and to encourage a new exchange of ideas and culture which was both profoundly international and rooted in the city of Edinburgh.

This film weaves together rare archive footage with interviews, conducted by Sir Jonathan Mills, with Festival directors, artists and audience members. It traces the story of the International Festival over seven decades of profound social, cultural and political change in Scotland and across the world.

Part of the International Festival and British Council season Spirit of '47

View three clips from this documentary on BBC Arts Digital


Scottish Documentary Institute

Anne Milne
Website | Twitter

Noe Mendelle
Website | Twitter