Drainage Alley

This story of a quiet alleyway in Havana explores Cuba poised on the cusp of opening up to the world.

Part of New and Now: International Plays from the Royal Court Theatre

This story of a quiet alleyway in Havana explores Cuba poised on the cusp of opening up to the world.

Over the past 20 years, the Royal Court’s International Playwrights’ Programme, with the support of the British Council, has encouraged emerging writers in all parts of the world to address subjects that they felt were urgent in their societies. In more than 70 countries and over 40 languages writers have felt inspired to write provocative new plays that are responding to our changing world and creating unique works for our times.

Over six mornings, an outstanding group of actors and directors will bring to life new plays from some of the world’s most exciting writers.

Each reading will be followed by a Q&A with the writer and together will last 90 minutes approximately.

Following Bad Roadsthere will be a discussion with all the writers from the series, hosted by Vicky Featherstone, Artistic Director of the Royal Court. Lola Arias, director of MINEFIELD, will also join this discussion.

Part of the International Festival and British Council season Spirit of '47

View an excerpt from this play reading on BBC Arts Digital

View the full recording of the writers' panel discussion on BBC Arts Digital

Photo: Laura Liz Gil Echenique


From Cuba

By Laura Liz Gil Echenique
Translated by William Gregory
Directed by John Tiffany

Cast Ronke Adekoluejo, Jimmy Chisholm, Ivanno Jeremiah .Anne Lacey, Robin Lang, Amaka Okafor