Arts in the Aftermath of Conflict

This discussion explores the role of artists in post-war contexts and the critical space that needs to be claimed in order to counter a return to paranoia and injustice.

What narratives must begin when a war has ended and how does society protect itself from slipping back into conflict? This discussion explores the role of artists in post-war contexts and the critical space that needs to be claimed in order to counter a return to paranoia and injustice.

Discussing these topics will be Harriet Lamb, CEO of International Alert; artist Willie Doherty, twice shortlisted for the Turner Prize; Lebanese theatremaker Maya Zbib and Esa Aldegheri, Chair of City of Sanctuary Edinburgh. The discussion will be chaired by former war correspondent Allan Little.

Part of the International Festival and British Council season Spirit of '47

View a full recording of this event on BBC Arts Digital