Barry Humphries' Weimar Cabaret
Barry Humphries' Weimar Cabaret
Songs and instrumental music by Weill, Hindemith, Krenek, Eisler, Schulhoff, Holländer and others
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Richard Tognetti Director / Violin
Barry Humphries Conferencier
Meow Meow Cabaret artist
Rodney Fisher Director
Australia’s greatest cultural export Barry Humphries curates, presents and performs an evening of so-called ‘degenerate’ music from Germany’s Weimar Republic, joined by transgressive cabaret sensation Meow Meow and the gutsy players of the Australian Chamber Orchestra, under charismatic Director Richard Tognetti.
Featuring jazz, cabaret, tango and Broadway musical-style numbers, it’s a racy, risqué evening that reawakens the hedonistic partying and social turmoil of Berlin in the 1920s and 1930s.
Barry Humphries has had a lifelong passion for subversive Berlin cabaret, and he plays conférencier or master of ceremonies, littering the songs with irreverent asides, double entendres and witty anecdotes.
Featuring Kurt Weill’s ‘Pirate Jenny’ and ‘Surabaya Johnny’, as well as Erwin Schulhoff’s saucy Sonata erotica, it’s an edgy evening of song, dance and decadence that pulls no punches.
A genuinely wonderful evening of inventive artistry. ★★★★★
Fascinating, entertaining, remarkable and unparalleled.
Australian Stage
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Songs and instrumental music by Weill, Hindemith, Krenek, Eisler, Schulhoff, Holländerand others
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Richard Tognetti Director / Violin
Barry Humphries Conférencier
Meow Meow Cabaret artist
Rodney Fisher Director
More information about some of the artists
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Barry Humphries
Meow Meow