
Songlines is a city-wide event taking place on the middle Sunday of the International Festival inviting everyone to take part in a unique celebration of singing. It is inspired by the indigenous Australian ancestral tradition of passing on ancient sacred stories as large song cycles that preserve the living link between land and people.

Singing connects peoples across the globe and there is no human culture, no matter how remote or isolated, that does not sing to celebrate or express what it is to be alive. The human voice seeks expression and whether it be on a rowdy football terrace, in a serene concert hall or simply warbling in the shower, singing has guided, soothed and filled our lives for centuries.

Following on from the success in 2015 of the brass band project, Fanfare, the International Festival presents Songlines on Sunday 21 August to capture the joy and power of shared song.

Throughout the day and across the city opportunities to participate in singing and listening will be available in unexpected venues, spaces and places. So come along and join in!

Information about venues, timings and songs will be published on this page in July.