Mogwai & Mark Cousins
Mogwai & Mark Cousins
Mogwai live on stage. Performing their majestic new soundtrack to a provocative documentary by film maker Mark Cousins.
Atomic: Living in Dread and Promise is a fiery portrait of our atomic age, a powerful, visceral investigation of life and death in the nuclear age, combining rare archive footage with a brand new soundtrack of original music performed live by Mogwai.
With images of protest marches, Cold War confrontation, Chernobyl and Fukushima, Cousins’ impressionistic film is a kaleidoscope of the appalling destructive power of the atomic bomb, and also the beauty and benefits of x-rays and MRI scans.
Mogwai’s compelling soundtrack encapsulates the nightmare of the nuclear age, but also its dreamlike beauty. They perform their brooding score live on stage alongside the film screening.
These are the first live shows of Atomic in the UK, and the only performances in Scotland this year.
There will not be a support act for this event and the advertised start time will be when the concert begins
Mogwai's eclectic mix of delicate melodies and thundering noise is at once deafening and charming.
The Guardian