Ubu and the Truth Commission

Poignant testimonies that once formed part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings are given by characters played by Handspring's puppets.

With its dark and sardonic wit, documentary footage, spectacular animation, poignant puppetry and superb actors, Ubu and the Truth Commission draws on both the historical archive of the hearings of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission and on the dramatic figure of Ubu Roi, a licentious buffoon created by the playwright Alfred Jarry.

Ubu and the Truth Commission was the third in a trilogy of plays that brought William Kentridge and Handspring Puppet Company, who later created War Horse, to worldwide acclaim. Revived to mark the 20th anniversary of democracy in South Africa, this metaphorical tale of marital betrayal affords glimpses into the devastating complexities of apartheid.

Poignant testimonies that once formed part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings are given by characters played by Handspring's puppets. With animation by director William Kentridge, the cast includes actors Busi Zokufa and Dawid Minnaar as Ma and Pa Ubu.

A co-production by the Edinburgh International Festival, The Taipei Arts Festival and Taipei Culture Foundation, Festival de Marseille _ danse et arts multiples, Onassis Cultural Centre, Cal Performances Berkeley and BOZAR, Brussels.

Please note this performance contains graphic images of violence that may not be suitable for children.

stunningly theatrical multimedia piece that drives home the atrocity known as apartheid...By turns chilling and hilarious, brutal and forgiving, the show casts a surreal light on the heart of darkness - and still manages to leave you with hope

The Washington Post

executed with consummate artistry

Los Angeles Times


Handspring Puppet Company

William Kentridge Director
Janni Younge
Associate Director
Jane Taylor
Adrian Kohler
Puppet designer
Wesley France
Lighting designer

Cast includes Busi Zokufa and Dawid Minnaar