Exhibit B

Exhibit B lies somewhere between performance and exhibition, looking at themes of racism, 'othering' and the colonial history of Europe in Africa.

Exhibit B lies somewhere between performance and exhibition. 13 tableau vivant installations featuring black performers look at the themes of racism, 'othering' and the colonial history of Europe in Africa.

This deeply moving work, researched and created by South African artist Brett Bailey, gazes into the hidden Curiosity Cabinets of European racism. It focuses on the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when Europe's powers scrambled for Africa's rich resources, and the continent's scientists formulated the pseudo-scientific racial theories that continue to warp perceptions, with horrific consequences.

Drawing on the 'human zoos' and ethnographic displays so popular during this period, this site-specific exhibit places Africans and African asylum-seekers in display cases, unpacking the histories, and turning the gaze back on Europeans.

terrible and magnificent...should run for several months so that all government ministers and scholars can attend

Le Soir

Please note, this performance contains nudity


Third World Bunfight

Brett Bailey Creator