Madame Freedom
Madame Freedom
European premiere of a stunning and stirring fusion of live performance, fantastical filmed imagery and innovative digital technology.
European Premiere
A two-dimensional, cinematic black-and-white woman of yesteryear struggles to break free of the social, economic and political straitjacket of the time, while a three-dimensional woman of here and now struggles to what…? Break free…? Of what…? When the unfulfilled soul of a fictional woman surges down through the years to infuse a living and breathing woman with longing what happens, and, truly, how free is free?
A stunning and stirring fusion of live performance, fantastical filmed imagery and innovative digital technology, Madame Freedom dances with the classic Korean film of the 1950s of the same name, as well as with themes of identity, myth, and a sense of being trapped by the past. It tells the story of an ordinary woman and her dreams – of different lives, of different selves – and the choices that she can or cannot make.
YMAP (Your Media Arts Project)
Hyo Jin Kim Choreographer and director
Hyung Su Kim Art director
Sooyoung Moon Music director
Taesup Lee Set designer
Hyo Jin Kim Dancer
Heung Nam Kim Dancer