Fauré Requiem

A concert of warmth and lyricism that draws on the refined playing for which the Scottish Chamber Orchestra is renowned. Principal conductor Robin Ticciati is joined by the remarkable National Youth Choir of Scotland and two exceptional solo vocal talents.

Sir Thomas Allen is one of Britain’s best-loved singers, celebrated for his glorious lyric baritone and his intense characterisation, and young Isaac Waddington recently won the BBC Radio 2 Young Chorister of the Year award.

They come together in Fauré’s serene Requiem, a poignant but peaceful refl ection on mortality.

Ticciati opens the concert with Debussy’s languorous Prélude à l’aprèsmidi d’un faune and Schoenberg’s opulent Verklärte Nacht (‘Transfi gured Night’), written long before the composer began his explorations of atonality. Five miniatures by Webern provide a spicy interlude.


Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Robin Ticciati Conductor

Sir Thomas Allen Baritone
Isaac Waddington Treble

National Youth Choir of Scotland
Christopher Bell Chorus Master

Debussy Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune (arr. Sachs under the supervision of Schoenberg)
Schoenberg Verklärte Nacht
Webern Five Pieces Op 10
Fauré Requiem