All That Fall

Performed in Pan Pan’s atmospheric, theatrically tuned listening chamber, this multi-layered composition of voices is at once a black comedy, a murder mystery, a cryptic literary riddle and a quasimusical score.

‘A life of unending misery in a world devoid of God, now that’s funny.’

Maddy Rooney is in her seventies – unsightly, ungainly and unwell – laboriously to-ing and fro-ing between her home and Boghill Station. This is a landscape whose details are drawn from the suburbs of Foxrock and Leopardstown from Beckett’s youth, but which may now exist solely in Maddy’s mind.

'The aim off Gavin Quinn's production is to turn this recorded text into an experience of collective listening... All That Fall features two stunning vocal performances from Aine Ni Mhuiri and Andrew Bennett'

Financial Times - 4 Stars

The Scotsman - 4 Stars

The Herald - 5 Stars


By Samuel Beckett

Pan Pan Theatre

Gavin Quinn Director
Aedin Cosgrove Designer
Jimmy Eadie Sound designer

Cast of voices Andrew Bennett, Phelim Drew, John Kavanagh,
Nell Klemencic, Áine Ní Mhuiri, Robbie O'Connor, Joey
O'Sullivan, David Pearse, Daniel Reardon, Judith Roddy